You might be wondering if Mathematics is the best option for the UPSC Optional. Well, it's a great choice because it has a good syllabus and is objective, so it is a good choice for the Optional. It also requires a balanced study plan to be the best candidate. Here are some reasons why. - You've probably done a fair bit of Mathematics in school and can do well on the exam.
During the UPSC Mains, Mathematics will feature highly in the scoring list. This subject is logical and objective, which means that the questions in this subject do not rely on presentation or opinion. It requires memorizing formulae, calculating sums, and solving problems. Moreover, the question paper is not long, so students should spend time practicing it to master the concepts. Here are some tips for ace the UPSC maths optional exam:
maths optional is one of the most popular optional subjects for the UPSC/IAS/CSE-Civil Services, IFoS/IFS Mains Examinations. This subject is divided into two parts Paper 1 deals with Fundamentals of Applied mathematics while Paper 2 deals with pure mathematics. The syllabus is divided into a few sections and is available for download or reading. It contains major theoretical strands such as reliability, variables and hypothesis. It also includes topics such as algebra of Modern & Linear and Vector, Differential Equations of Ordinary & Partial, Analytical(Solid or 3-D) Geometry, Analysis of Real, Vector, Numerical and Complex, Programming of Linear & Computer, and finally physics related mathematics such as Fluid Dynamics, Mechanics, Dynamics & Statics.
The UPSC Optional examination consists of questions from the subject of mathematics. This subject is objective, and the question-answer pattern is different from that in GS paper. Hence, UPSC Mathematics Optional candidates should focus on answering the questions in the correct way. Practicing with sample questions in mathematics is an excellent way to increase speed and accuracy. The link provided below can help you practice with previous year full-length papers and mock tests.
Preparing for the UPSC Optional examination requires a well-balanced study plan. The examination pattern can be understood by practicing UPSC question papers from 2009 to 2021. Taking mock tests of Ramanasri Maths Optional can help you overcome your anxiety and familiarize yourself with the format of the examination. You should also practice executive assessments to improve your higher-order thinking skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. UPSC exam subjects require problem-solving skills, prior degree, and enthusiasm for writing.
As a mathematician, you probably already know that it is a tough subject. If you are planning to take up engineering or science, mathematics is one of the subjects that you should focus on. In fact, it accounts for more than 60% of the syllabus. Similarly, if you are a college student, you can take mathematics electives and cover 100 percent of the syllabus before you graduate. The good news is that UPSC isn't likely to ask you a question that you can't answer right. The subject is a reliable option if you want to pursue an engineering career.
It is 200 percent right choice for the UPSC optional when you are preparing on your own or with help of coaching.
Click on this video for How to prepare Maths Optional
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