Ramanasri IAS INSTITUTE is providing Best Mathematics Optional Crash Course 2022-2023 for IAS, UPSC, IFS, IFoS, CSE, Civil Service Examinations. Ramanasri Sir will make in the class even tough modules like Modern Algebra, Real Analysis is very easy. You will get confidence in the class you can solve all previous year questions so for asked in these modules. You can able to solve all IAS Mains Maths Optional previous year questions within the time frame. You can learn how to get command over these Modules like Fluid Dynamics, Mechanics, Dynamics and Statics. Remaining Modules like Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Calculus, Analytical (3-D or Solid) Geometry, Linear Programming, Numerical Analysis, Computer Programming, Complex Analysis, Vector Analysis.
Key topics of Maths Optional Paper I & II covered comprehensively which conclude
(a) Abstract (Modern) Algebra
(b) Real Analysis
(c) Calculus
(d) Dynamics & Statics
(e) Mechanics & Fluid Dynamics.
(f) Linear Algebra
What are you waiting for ?